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Tat Cheong (Hong Kong) Plastic Mfy.

Company Profile:
Tat Cheong has been established for 20 years. Our major product line includes magnetic chess games, a range of snooker pool sets and other plastic toys and games. We have set up other divisions with staff specifically handling designing & drawing or making moulds.

Click Photo for Enlargement

Rm. 10, 17/F., Thriving Ind. Cntr., 26-38 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2499 1159
Fax: (852) 2413 6851
E-mail: tchkpm@netvigator.com
Web Site: http://www.asianmfrs.com/tatcheong  
Contact Person: Mr. Suen Tat Keung - Manager


